I joined the other 1000 (!!) people in this free class just for fun, but it has been really good!
The first week is an art journal spread where you write all your negative thoughts on one side and then cover them up with layers and then take those thoughts and turn them around to what they are trying to save you from.
On the other page she then shows you how to do a face and there are so many different results! So cool. I put glasses on mine since it is supposed to represent me (although I dont have long flowing hair!)
One thing I found out and would recommend is to take a picture. I thought I was done and after I looked at the image I could see things that needed improvement. A different outlook I guess.
See what I mean - this is a series of 3. After I took one, I took another and added more. What a difference! And I didn't do much. So subtle changes can make a big difference.
This was very cool and I look forward to week 2!