I have spent the last month it seems sitting at my computer! There are so many interesting blogs and so many links to more. I have got caught up on about 15 but I like to read them from the beginning so needless to say it is time consuming! My daughter is like " are you reading blogs again?!!" YES! There are so many creative people out there and it also inspires me to create and to share! I have been busy lately - I guess its that Christmas thing! But now everything is back to normal and now back to work!
I have a ton of pics to take for ebay and also to start painting and crafting. It's weird how now I think oh that would be a good pic for the blog!
After a few years!! of not painting - I got back into it this year and did some presents. It seems like a too weird coincidence that I am reading all this creative work by others?? It's awesome, now I have things swirling in my head all the time. The hardest part for me is actually DOING it, which I hope to work on this year.
some pics
This is a box before
This is it after. It has a drawer and made of walnut with the burl in the front. I gave it to my good friends who are very into hunting and fishing. They loved it!
This was a paddle I got in the store and then painted a cottage on it. It is my boyfriends families rental cottage that they built last year. This is a close up.
They really liked it and are going to mount it on the wall over a door in the cottage. When they opened it another family member wanted to know if I could make 2 more!! For her family. I was like sure! And to get paid too.
So now I know what I am supposed to be here for, like I said, its a matter of doing. Hopefully being on here and seeing everyone else doing it will propell me to continue. And knowing I can share here and get some feedback.
In some more posts, I will give you some more background of me and where I live, but I guess this is enough for now. I have some pics to take for ebay!
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