I am going to start a new thing here every Tuesday where I will review and show pics of a book I have read in the past, or have right now from the library. Since Tuesday is usually library day for me - I think today is appropiate.
Today's book was really good! As I seem to be one of many that love to look at craft places and art studios, this was a good choice. It is called Organizing your craft space by Jo Packham. If that name sounds familiar, she is the author of the popular book Where Women Create. I also had a chance to look at that book and I will tell you that this is the better choice. The other book is presented with a better title and cover, but a lot of the pics are the same and this book has tons of info for organizing your space. The other book is pretty but thats about it, mostly pics which are the same as this book. It also gives some backgrounds on some artists, but not much useful info for me.
Some of the spaces in here are amazing! I was drooling over the markers and little cubbies for all kinds of things. These would be nice!
So if you want to get more organized (who doesnt!!) and at least get some get ideas to get you started... this is a good choice.
I will be here tomorrow joining the tea party over at artsymamas!
Seeya there.
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